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Web survey consulting, programming and hosting services. Delivers custom web survey solutions. Web development makes up majority of our business. Our core expertise is fast custom implementation of the feature rich web applications with strong functional component and administration backend. We are in business for over 9 years and have delivered over 200 websites. When we start a project we present our clients with different options based on the scope of work - we can build either a static website or provide a proprietory or an open source content management system. We help to define requirements specification and make key technical and functional decisions. Web development technologies that we work with are Java, JSP, ASP.NET and PHP. Software development is what Integrio professionally does for the last 9 years. We are experts in rapid custom development of web-based, distributed and standalone applications designed to meet your organization's specific requirements and business needs. We follow proven practices that allow for successful project completion, and deliver solutions that exceed customer expectations.

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